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The Carr Trail of Discovery

A quick Saturday blast. Plan was to run four hours. A longer run. But in the decided to make a nice wake up coffee. Got the Nespresso fired up and heated and frothed some milk. Drank it. Quite nice. Michceala then informed me that the milk was off. Oops.

Plan was to run to Shatin Pass then hit the Maclehose Trail over Lion Rock and Beacon Hill. Then past Kowloon Reservoir and over Needle Hill. The plan changed after I vomited the first time on the Wilson Catchwater.

Went a long the Wilson Catchwater and then up to the Lion Rock Pagoda. Decided I would push on. Continued toward Beacon Hill. Got to the last set of steps and realised there was two trails. One the Maclehose to Beacon Hill, the other not labelled on any map or even mentioned. So I took it.

What I found was just stunning. A trail no wider than 50 centimetres at most. Going round Beacon Hill. Over larger boulders, running through bamboo canopies, sliding down boulders to get to the trail, then stunning flats. Maybe 1km to 2km at most. It was stunning. It was fun and now it has a little bit of vomit along it. The trail stopped and I had to climb up some drainage section to test back in the the Beacon Hill section. I continued down along the Eagles Nest nature trail before descending down to Kowloon Reservoir. At this point I stopped knowing that I was massively dehydrated and feeling slightly rank.

Things I learned:
1. The most fun can be found on the trails no one goes too. This trail is on no map. I’m massively curious to know how it even exists.

2. Don’t drink off milk. It really does ruin your run.

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